About Us.

Tucked away in a high alpine desert in the Colorado Rocky Mountains sits a small micro-farm. Surrounded by sage, rabbitbrush, and what we call Chiccos, it may not seem like the ideal place to create a small homestead, but each day we are making our dream come true.

My wonderful husband and father to our three little kids is a biologist. I am an anthropologist and early childhood educator. We met in college and knew right away we wanted a life together in our own small piece of the world. A place where we could help our two smart, curious girls and our young boy who has endless amounts of energy learn all about the world around them.

Well, here we are! With chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, and gardens, we are building a life toward self-sufficiency while tackling crazy schedules, working full time, and continuing grad school. It sounds like chaos but it’s our chaos and I would not trade the love, laughter, and lessons learned for anything. Join us on the adventure.

 You’ll find three categories on our website.

The first is wool and weeds. On this page, we talk about all things homesteading. From gardens to goats to processing wool, and everything in-between.

The second category is our Sage Blossoms page. There you will find all things kids! seasonal crafts, book recommendations, lessons, and more.

In Life, Love, and Lessons learned we discuss family, home life, recipes, and even some of the messy bits that come our way.

The wool store will be coming soon!